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Hervé Moser
La Touche



1 reviews

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price from €55






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Appréciations pour Les Korrigans, Rougé:

Superbe cadre
Review by: Jacques, Avr 2 2010 7:58PM
Accueil très chaleureux par la famille Moser. Endroit très calme et reposant au milieu de la campagne. Maïthée a de très belles fleurs et Hervé a fait un excellent travail de restauration. Nous recommendons fortement ces chambres d'hôtes.

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After arriving in Rougé (44660), continue along the D163 road, and soon you will come across our distinctive blue and yellow signs that will lead you directly to our location.



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5 55 15 Oui


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  • Château de Châteaubriant: Located in Châteaubriant, this medieval castle is a popular tourist attraction. It offers guided tours through the castle's impressive architecture and rich history.
  • Parc de la Gaudinière: Situated in Nantes, this beautiful park is perfect for a leisurely stroll or a picnic. It features lovely gardens, water features, and a playground for children.
  • Jardin des Plantes de Nantes: Also located in Nantes, this botanical garden is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts. It offers a vast collection of plants, including exotic species, and hosts various events throughout the year.
  • Machines de l'Ile: Located in Nantes, this innovative and unique attraction combines art, engineering, and imagination. Visitors can marvel at the giant mechanical animals and even take a ride on some of them.
  • Château des Ducs de Bretagne: Situated in the heart of Nantes, this stunning castle is a historical landmark. It houses a museum that showcases the history of Nantes and offers panoramic views from its towers.
  • Parc Oriental de Maulévrier: Found in Maulévrier, this Japanese garden is the largest in Europe. It features traditional Japanese landscaping, including ponds, bridges, and pagodas, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere.
  • Musée Robert Tatin: Located in Cossé-le-Vivien, this museum showcases the works of French artist Robert Tatin. Visitors can explore his unique sculptures and paintings set in beautiful gardens.
  • Musée de l'Imprimerie: Situated in Nantes, this museum is dedicated to the history of printing and typography. It offers a fascinating collection of printing presses, typesetting tools, and various printed materials.
  • Les Machines de l'Île: Found in Nantes, this artistic and mechanical project is inspired by the literary works of Jules Verne. It features incredible machines and installations, such as a giant mechanical elephant and a carousel of marine creatures. 10. Parc de Brière: Located near Guérande, this regional natural park is known for its diverse flora and fauna. Visitors can explore its marshlands by boat, observing unique wildlife and enjoying the peaceful surroundings.

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