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Bonnot Jean-Claude
Le Souillot



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Price per night:

price from €45






Description for Gite

On the west side of this historical coaching inn, you will find three cozy guest rooms, each accommodating different group sizes - one room for three people, another for four people, and a third for five people. Additionally, there is a charming family-operated inn that specializes in serving regional or county Fondue dishes. On the east side, there is a spacious detached house that can be rented for weekends or week-long stays, perfect for accommodating larger groups of 12 to 15 people.


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It is very easy to access the "Relais des Salines" located on the D72 between Pontarlier and Dijon.



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  • Pontarlier Located just a few kilometers away from Le Souillot, Pontarlier is a charming town known for its historical landmarks and picturesque surroundings. Explore the historic city center, visit the Saint-Bénigne Church, and admire the Clock Tower, which offers panoramic views of the area. Don't miss the chance to sample the famous Pontarlier Absinthe, a traditional local spirit.
  • Château de Joux Situated approximately 10 kilometers from Le Souillot, the Château de Joux is a stunning fortress that dates back to the 11th century. Discover its rich history as a military stronghold and prison, and explore the various exhibitions within its walls. The castle also offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
  • Lac Saint-Point Located around 15 kilometers southwest of Le Souillot, Lac Saint-Point is the third-largest natural lake in France. This scenic spot offers opportunities for swimming, boating, and fishing. Take a leisurely stroll along the lakeshore or hike in the nearby Jura Mountains to fully appreciate the beauty of this serene lake.
  • Source de la Loue Situated about 28 kilometers from Le Souillot, the Source de la Loue is a mesmerizing natural spring that marks the beginning of the Loue River. Surrounded by lush greenery, the crystal-clear waters gush out of a cave, creating a magical scene. Explore the walking trails around the source or simply relax and enjoy the tranquility of the area.
  • Gouffre de Poudrey Approximately 33 kilometers from Le Souillot, the Gouffre de Poudrey is a fascinating natural site. It is a vast underground cave system with impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations. Take a guided tour to explore the depths of the cave and learn about its geological history. The Gouffre de Poudrey also offers a thrilling underground boat ride.
  • Métabief Situated about 18 kilometers southeast of Le Souillot, Métabief is a popular ski resort town in the Jura Mountains. During winter, enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports. In the summer months, Métabief transforms into a hiking and mountain biking paradise with numerous trails and stunning alpine landscapes.
  • Musée Courbet Located around 38 kilometers from Le Souillot in Ornans, the Musée Courbet is dedicated to the life and works of the renowned French painter, Gustave Courbet. Discover a collection of his paintings, sculptures, and personal belongings in this charming museum. The museum is housed in a building that overlooks the picturesque Loue River. These attractions near Le Souillot offer a mix of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural experiences, ensuring a memorable visit to this part of France.

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