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François Larfeuil
21 Boulevard Allard


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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

There are two beautifully furnished and well-equipped double bedrooms on the first floor, each equipped with its own bathroom. On the second floor, there is a spacious suite that includes two bedrooms, a comfortable living area with a TV, and a bathroom with a toilet.


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The location is 22 km away from La Rochelle and 12 km away from Rochefort sur mer.
If you are coming from Paris, it will take approximately 3 hours by TGV. You can then take a bus or rent a car to reach the destination.
From Bordeaux and Poitiers, you can take the motorway (exit Rochefort) and it will take about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
If you are arriving at La Rochelle Airport, you can take a bus or rent a car to reach the destination.
To access the destination, take the RN 137 between La Rochelle and Rochefort (2x2, free) and take the exit "Ile d'Aix - Fouras". Continue towards the town center. Whether you are coming from the south or the north, you will always arrive at the destination.
Once you reach the town center, locate the church and the square of the kiosk. From there, take the boulevard that runs Allard towards the seafront. The Koantic house (white stone and blue shutters) is located halfway. It is 50 meters away from the church and 80 meters away from the seafront.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 76 410 560 015 -
(3 pers.)
1 80 110 505 700 -




  • Fort Vauban: Located in Fouras, Fort Vauban is a historic fortification built by the famous military architect Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban. It offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding islands and the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Île d'Aix: A small island located just off the coast of Fouras, Île d'Aix is known for its picturesque landscapes and historical significance. Explore the island's charming village, visit the Napoleon Museum, and relax on its beautiful sandy beaches.
  • Fouras-les-Bains Beach: This sandy beach is a popular spot for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports. It offers a pleasant atmosphere with stunning views of the Fort Boyard and Île d'Aix.
  • Fort Boyard: Situated in the middle of the sea between Fouras and Île d'Aix, Fort Boyard is an iconic fortress known for its appearance in the TV game show of the same name. Although it is not open to the public, boat tours are available to admire its impressive architecture up close.
  • La Rochelle: Located approximately 30 kilometers north of Fouras, La Rochelle is a vibrant coastal city with a rich maritime heritage. Explore its historic Old Port, visit the stunning Aquarium, stroll through the picturesque streets, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of its numerous cafes and restaurants.
  • Châtelaillon-Plage: Situated about 15 kilometers south of Fouras, Châtelaillon-Plage is a charming seaside resort town. It boasts a long sandy beach, a promenade lined with colorful villas, and a casino. Enjoy water activities, relax on the beach, or indulge in delicious seafood cuisine.
  • Rochefort: Located approximately 15 kilometers inland from Fouras, Rochefort is a historic town famous for its naval shipbuilding heritage. Visit the Corderie Royale, a former rope factory turned museum, and explore the Hermione, an authentic replica of the 18th-century frigate that brought General Lafayette to America.
  • L'Île de Ré: A beautiful island accessible via a bridge from La Rochelle, L'Île de Ré is known for its scenic landscapes, charming villages, and pristine beaches. Explore its picturesque capital, Saint-Martin-de-Ré, visit its iconic lighthouse, and enjoy cycling along its extensive network of bike paths. These tourist attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical exploration to beach relaxation, ensuring a memorable visit to the Fouras area in France.

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