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Contact Details:


Mme Anne Marie LHoste
1 rue des Petits Pres
La Croix Comtesse


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €56






Description for B&B:

We offer a delightful breakfast experience featuring freshly baked homemade bread, croissants, and flavorful jus. We are more than happy to accommodate special dietary needs. In addition, we provide engaging cookery and language courses in a dedicated classroom. For our guests' convenience, we offer a baby cot and a secure locked carpark. Our Sat TV room includes a fridge and tea/coffee making facilities. To ensure a stress-free stay, we provide an airport pick-up service and free Wi-Fi. Our friendly staff will warmly welcome you upon arrival. Well-behaved dogs and children are also accepted with open arms.


Appréciations pour Le Clos Marie, La Croix Comtesse:

une qualité remarquable
Review by: Anne-Sophie L., Oct 27 2009 1:19AM
Je ne devrais sans doute pas communiquer mon avis tant il est bon et tant j'aime m'y rendre et donc avoir de la place mais je me sens généreuse alors je partage !
Je dois dire qu'à chaque passage l'accueil y est chaleureux, on y retrouve tout ce que l'on peut souhaiter et attendre d'une chambre d'hote si ce n'est plus. La personne qui s'occupe de la chambre et table d'hote met un peu de son ame dans tout ce qu'elle fait et ça se sent tant dans la maison et les chambres, très cosi, ou dans la cuisine, tout bonnement un bonheur pour les papilles et la gastronomie.
On se sent tout simplement chez soi, bien accueilli et merveilleusement servi.
nos vacances d été
Review by: CATHIE NICOLAS MANON, Sep 4 2009 7:01PM
tout simplement parfait. merci alison. nous gardons un souvenir merveilleux de notre sejour aux petits pres

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If you are coming from Niort, head south towards St Jean DAngely on the main roads for approximately 25 kilometers. When you reach TOUT Y FAUT village, make a left turn towards Aulnay. After that, take the second road on your left, which is about 800 yards away. You will find our house at the end of this road on the right side, situated on a corner. Just keep an eye out for the red signs to guide you.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(3 pers.)
2 56 85 370 550 15 oui


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Saintes (12 km): A historic city known for its Roman ruins, including the Amphitheatre and the Arch of Germanicus. Saintes also offers charming cobblestone streets, a beautiful cathedral, and a lively market.
  • Abbaye aux Dames (12.5 km): This splendid abbey, located in Saintes, was founded in the 11th century by Duchess Eleanor of Aquitaine. It features impressive Romanesque architecture, beautiful gardens, and hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Château de La Roche Courbon (21 km): Situated in Saint-Porchaire, this Renaissance castle is surrounded by magnificent gardens and a moat. Visitors can explore the castle's rich history, admire its elegant interiors, and enjoy the serene atmosphere of the surrounding parkland.
  • Cognac (35 km): Famous for its production of the renowned brandy, Cognac is a picturesque town with a charming old town area. Take a tour of one of the many Cognac distilleries, visit the Cognac Museum, and stroll along the Charente River.
  • Rochefort (40 km): Known for its maritime heritage, Rochefort offers attractions such as the Corderie Royale (Royal Rope Factory), which showcases the history of naval rope-making, and the famous replica of the frigate Hermione, which played a crucial role in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Île d'Oléron (45 km): Connected to the mainland by a bridge, Île d'Oléron is the largest French island on the Atlantic coast. It boasts beautiful beaches, charming villages, and is renowned for its oyster farming. Explore the island's nature reserves, visit the Château d'Oléron, or relax on the sandy shores.
  • La Rochelle (50 km): A vibrant coastal city with a rich maritime heritage, La Rochelle offers an atmospheric old town, picturesque harbor, and stunning waterfront. Visit the historic towers, such as the Tour de la Chaîne and Tour Saint-Nicolas, explore the aquarium, or take a boat trip to the nearby Île de Ré.
  • Royan (60 km): Situated on the Gironde estuary, Royan is a popular seaside resort known for its sandy beaches, Belle Époque architecture, and vibrant atmosphere. Enjoy sunbathing, water sports, visit the Notre-Dame church, or take a stroll along the elegant seafront promenade. These attractions near 1 rue des Petits Pres, La Croix Comtesse, France, offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural highlights, providing a range of experiences for tourists.