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Marie Paule Delbreil
Villa Les Pins


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70



Description for B&B:

Experience the charm of an early 19th century Italian villa nestled in a serene green environment, offering 5 exquisite guest rooms with private baths. With splendid views of the majestic Black Mountain, this picturesque retreat comfortably accommodates up to 10 people. Indulge in a delightful breakfast and relish the convenience of dinner reservations. Immerse yourself in tranquility as you take a refreshing dip in the swimming pool nestled within the villa's lush park.


Appréciations pour Villa Les Pins, Lempaut:

Review by: Pires Eric, Aou 2 2014 10:10AM
Rien à dire Super

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 70 90 15


Swimming Pool


  • Canal du Midi: Located about 10 kilometers from Villa Les Pins, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This 17th-century canal offers scenic boat rides, cycling paths, and picturesque walkways, allowing visitors to enjoy the beautiful countryside and charming villages along its banks.
  • Carcassonne: Situated around 20 kilometers from Lempaut, the medieval fortress city of Carcassonne is a must-visit attraction. With its well-preserved walls, towers, and narrow streets, it transports visitors back in time. Explore the castle, enjoy panoramic views, and immerse yourself in the rich history of this UNESCO-listed site.
  • Lac de Saint-Ferréol: Located approximately 15 kilometers away, Lac de Saint-Ferréol is a stunning man-made lake nestled in the Montagne Noire region. It offers a range of recreational activities such as swimming, boating, fishing, and picnicking. With its scenic surroundings and tranquil ambiance, it's an ideal spot for relaxation and outdoor fun.
  • Toulouse: As the fourth-largest city in France, Toulouse is about 60 kilometers from Lempaut. Known as "La Ville Rose" (The Pink City) due to its distinctive pink-hued architecture, Toulouse offers a vibrant mix of history, culture, and gastronomy. Visit the impressive Basilica of Saint-Sernin, explore the charming Old Town, and indulge in the city's renowned culinary scene.
  • Albi: Situated approximately 50 kilometers away, Albi is a charming town renowned for its magnificent Sainte-Cécile Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore the medieval streets, visit the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum (dedicated to the famous painter), and admire the picturesque views of the River Tarn.
  • Castres: Located about 35 kilometers from Lempaut, Castres is a historic town known for its picturesque old quarter and the Goya Museum, which houses an impressive collection of Spanish art. Take a stroll along the Agout River, visit the stunning Saint-Benoît Church, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of this charming town.
  • Revel: Revel, situated approximately 25 kilometers away, is a delightful medieval town famous for its covered market hall, Les Halles. This timber-framed market building dates back to the 14th century and is still used for local produce markets. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Museum of Wood and Marquetry, and soak in the authentic atmosphere of this traditional French town. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historic sites to natural beauty, allowing visitors to explore the rich cultural and scenic heritage of the region around Villa Les Pins.

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