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La Pradasse
39 Chemin de Toulouse


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Price per night:

price from €95






Description for B&B:

Situated within a beautifully landscaped garden spanning 5000 square metres, adorned with lush trees and vibrant flowers, the enchanting haven of "La Pradasse" offers an exquisite retreat. Boasting a refreshing swimming pool, a delightful summer kitchen garden, and a private carpark, this sanctuary provides an idyllic setting for relaxation and tranquility. Nestled in the charming village of AYGUESVIVES, just 20 kilometers away from the vibrant city of Toulouse, known as the "pink city," "La Pradasse" offers a serene environment in the picturesque region of Lauragais, in the southeastern part of Toulouse.


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To get to your destination from A61, take Exit N°20 (Villefranche de Lauragais), then continue through Gardouch and Ayguesvives. If you are coming from Toulouse, follow N113 until you reach Ayguesvives.



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(2 pers.)
5 95 117 30 oui
Notes: the trailer


Swimming Pool
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  • Canal du Midi: Located just a few kilometers from Ayguesvives, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its scenic beauty. Visitors can take a boat ride, walk or cycle along the towpath, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings of this historic waterway.
  • Cité de l'Espace: Situated in Toulouse, approximately 20 kilometers away, Cité de l'Espace is a space-themed amusement park and museum. It offers interactive exhibits, planetarium shows, and a range of activities for both children and adults, making it a fascinating destination for space enthusiasts.
  • Basilique Saint-Sernin: Found in the heart of Toulouse, Basilique Saint-Sernin is an impressive Romanesque church and one of the largest remaining examples of its kind in Europe. Visitors can explore its stunning architecture, intricate sculptures, and rich history dating back to the 11th century.
  • Musée des Augustins: This art museum in Toulouse houses a vast collection of European paintings and sculptures from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century. With its beautiful cloister and diverse artwork, the Musée des Augustins is a must-visit for art lovers.
  • Pont Neuf: Translating to "New Bridge," Pont Neuf is one of Toulouse's iconic landmarks. Despite its name, it is actually the city's oldest remaining bridge. Visitors can stroll across this historic bridge, which offers panoramic views of the Garonne River and the charming cityscape.
  • Place du Capitole: Located in the heart of Toulouse, Place du Capitole is a vibrant square surrounded by beautiful architecture. It is home to the Capitole de Toulouse, which houses the city hall and an opera house. The square also hosts various events and markets throughout the year.
  • Château de Carcassonne: Situated approximately 80 kilometers from Ayguesvives, the medieval fortress of Carcassonne is a striking UNESCO World Heritage site. Its impressive walls, towers, and narrow streets take visitors back in time to the Middle Ages, providing a unique experience full of history and charm.
  • Airbus Factory Tour: For aviation enthusiasts, a visit to the Airbus Factory in Toulouse is a must. Offering guided tours, visitors can witness the manufacturing process of these iconic aircraft and learn about the history and innovation behind the Airbus brand.
  • Musée Saint-Raymond: Located in Toulouse, this archaeological museum showcases ancient Roman artifacts discovered in the region. With its extensive collection of sculptures, mosaics, and other archaeological treasures, the Musée Saint-Raymond offers a fascinating insight into the Roman history of the area. 10. Jardin des Plantes: Situated in Toulouse, this beautiful botanical garden is a peaceful oasis in the city. Visitors can explore its diverse plant species, relax in its serene atmosphere, and enjoy the various themed gardens, including a Japanese garden and a rose garden.

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