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Jankovic Proslav
43 Rue de Calais


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Price per night:

price from €39


03 44 48 62 18


06 65 59 14 01


Description for B&B:

This town house, built in 1884, features 5 generously sized bedrooms, each equipped with an ensuite shower and toilet. Additionally, it offers a cozy TV lounge, a tranquil library, and a welcoming dining room for independent communal gatherings. The property provides private and secure parking, ensuring peace of mind. Stay connected with wireless internet throughout the house, and enjoy the refreshing outdoor space of the garden.


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Departmental 901 is located 8 kilometers northwest of Beauvais. It can be reached from Paris in approximately one hour by taking motorway A16 and exiting at Beauvais North. From there, continue on departementale 901.



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Prices in €
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extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 39 45


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Chantilly: Located in the nearby town of Chantilly, this magnificent castle is known for its stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and a world-class art collection. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, enjoy a horse show at the Great Stables, or take a leisurely stroll in the vast Chantilly Forest.
  • Parc Astérix: A thrilling amusement park inspired by the popular French comic book series, Astérix. Located in Plailly, just a short drive from Troissereux, the park offers a variety of roller coasters, water rides, live shows, and attractions, making it a perfect destination for a fun-filled family day out.
  • Beauvais Cathedral: Situated in Beauvais, approximately 10 kilometers from Troissereux, this impressive Gothic cathedral boasts the title of the highest cathedral in the world. Visitors can marvel at its intricate architectural details, including the stunning stained glass windows, and explore the history and art within its walls.
  • Parc Saint-Paul: Another family-friendly amusement park located in Saint-Paul, about a 30-minute drive from Troissereux. This park offers a range of rides suitable for all ages, including roller coasters, water slides, and a petting zoo. It also hosts various live shows and events throughout the year.
  • Musée de la Nacre et de la Tabletterie: Situated in Méru, a short distance from Troissereux, this museum showcases the history and craftsmanship of nacre (mother-of-pearl) and buttons. Visitors can learn about the manufacturing techniques, admire intricate designs, and even try their hand at creating their own buttons.
  • Parc Naturel Régional Oise-Pays de France: A nature park encompassing an area of over 60,000 hectares, offering stunning landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and numerous walking trails. Located near the town of Coye-la-Forêt, visitors can enjoy hiking, biking, and birdwatching in this peaceful and picturesque setting.
  • Musée Archéologique de l'Oise: Located in Vendeuil-Caply, around 20 kilometers from Troissereux, this archaeological museum showcases the rich history of the Oise region. It features an extensive collection of artifacts, including prehistoric tools, Roman sculptures, and medieval artifacts, providing insights into the area's past civilizations.
  • Domaine de Chantilly Racecourse: Horse racing enthusiasts can experience the thrill of the races at this renowned racecourse, situated in Chantilly. In addition to the races, visitors can explore the paddocks, visit the horse museum, and even take a guided tour of the stables to see these magnificent animals up close.
  • Musée de la Batellerie: Located in Longueil-Annel, approximately 30 kilometers from Troissereux, this museum highlights the history and significance of river navigation and barges. It features a collection of boats, models, and artifacts, providing a fascinating insight into the importance of waterways in the region's development. 10. Abbaye de Royaumont: Situated in Asnières-sur-Oise, a short drive from Troissereux, this medieval abbey is a remarkable architectural gem. Visitors can explore the abbey's picturesque ruins, stroll through its tranquil gardens, and attend concerts or cultural events that take place in this enchanting setting.

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