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Joelle Levy
Le Ponant, 48 Boulevard du Collet


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Price per night:

price from €50



0613 42 37 00


Description for B&B:

I have booked a luxurious seaside apartment that consists of two spacious rooms, perfect for accommodating four people. The apartment is equipped with modern amenities including a refreshing shower, a fully-equipped kitchen, a television, and a delightful terrace for relaxation and enjoyment.


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Head towards Old Chapel in Marseille, 13008.



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  • Calanques National Park: Located near Marseille, Calanques National Park is a stunning natural attraction known for its rugged limestone cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and hidden coves. Visitors can enjoy hiking, rock climbing, swimming, and boating while exploring this picturesque coastal area.
  • Notre-Dame de la Garde: This iconic basilica is perched atop a hill offering panoramic views of Marseille and the Mediterranean Sea. Known as the "Good Mother" by locals, it is a major religious and cultural site. The basilica's stunning architecture and rich history make it a must-visit attraction.
  • Vieux Port (Old Port): Considered the heart of Marseille, the Vieux Port is a bustling harbor lined with cafes, restaurants, and bars. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the waterfront, admire the historic buildings, and watch the boats come and go. The area also hosts a bustling fish market and numerous street performances.
  • Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations (MuCEM): Located at the entrance of the Old Port, MuCEM is a modern museum dedicated to the history and culture of Europe and the Mediterranean region. It showcases a diverse range of exhibits, including artifacts, artworks, and multimedia displays that provide insights into the region's heritage.
  • Le Panier: Marseille's oldest neighborhood, Le Panier, is a charming district filled with narrow streets, colorful buildings, and vibrant street art. It offers a bohemian atmosphere with trendy boutiques, art galleries, and cozy cafes. Exploring Le Panier is like stepping back in time, with its historic buildings and lively ambiance.
  • Château d'If: Located on the island of If, just off the coast of Marseille, Château d'If is a former fortress turned prison. Made famous by Alexandre Dumas' novel "The Count of Monte Cristo," the castle offers guided tours that delve into its history and provide breathtaking views of the Mediterranean.
  • Marseille Cathedral: Also known as Cathédrale Sainte-Marie-Majeure, Marseille Cathedral is a grand Roman Catholic cathedral known for its stunning Byzantine-Neo-Gothic architecture. The interior features beautiful stained glass windows and intricate mosaics, making it a significant religious and architectural landmark.
  • Palais Longchamp: This monumental palace is a testament to Marseille's rich history and architectural grandeur. It houses the Museum of Fine Arts and the Natural History Museum, making it a popular destination for art and nature enthusiasts. The palace is surrounded by a beautiful park where visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll.
  • La Corniche: A scenic coastal road that stretches along the Mediterranean, La Corniche offers breathtaking views of the sea and Marseille's coastline. It is lined with beaches, restaurants, and luxurious villas, providing a perfect spot for a leisurely drive or a relaxing seaside walk. 10. Basilique Saint-Victor: One of Marseille's oldest churches, Basilique Saint-Victor dates back to the 5th century. Known for its crypts and catacombs, the basilica provides a fascinating glimpse into Marseille's early Christian history. Visitors can explore the underground tunnels and admire the beautiful architecture of this historical site.

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