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Catherine Gilbert
Lieu Dit La Grille



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75


03 23 74 50 71


06 32 59 26 95

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Description for B&B:

Experience an unforgettable stay in the Prince's chamber and its meticulously reconstructed bathroom, within a historic castle dating back to 1604. Previously owned by Prince Poniatowski until 1920, this exceptional property boasts a 17th-century castle and a collection of 16th and 17th-century buildings, all situated on a grand terrace surrounded by water moats and ancient trees. The site, once part of the ceremonial route used by French kings on their way to Reims, offers breathtaking views of the picturesque countryside. Rates start at €118 for a room and two breakfasts, with a reduced rate of €95 per night from the second night onwards.


Appréciations pour Château de Limé, Limé:

Review by: Tévi, Mar 4 2015 12:02PM
Le château se goûte au grès du temps qui l'envoûte.... Il a la particule de la différence et de l'harmonie.
Un site rare pour les sensibles à l'harmonie bucolique
Review by: Myenne, Fev 28 2015 1:44AM
Limé est une belle demeure à taille humaine. Elle plaira à tous les amoureux d'harmonie ... Ses propriétaires restaurent le domaine avec passion et patience Vous aurez le plaisir d'être replongés dans une pastorale du XVIII ème avec son besoin à la fois d'intimité et de panoramas lumineux Je vous y souhaite des moments simples( et rares désormais) d 'y observer les changements de saisons si porteurs d'énergie et de paix intérieure.

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There is an airport, Charles de Gaulle, located within a 96-kilometer radius.

A park, Mount Notre-Dame, is situated approximately 5 kilometers away. If not available, Soissons is an alternative option, which is 20 kilometers away.

The nearest highways, A4 and A26, are within a 30-kilometer distance.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 75 105 10
(3 pers.)
2 80 95 32 10
Apartment 1 120 30
Holiday Home 1 500 1150


Disabled Access


  • Château de Coucy: Located approximately 10 kilometers away from Limé, the Château de Coucy is a medieval fortress that dates back to the 13th century. It is known for its massive size and impressive architectural features, including the imposing keep and the remains of the castle walls.
  • Soissons Cathedral: Situated around 15 kilometers from Limé, Soissons Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic-style cathedral that dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can admire its stunning stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and the ancient crypt.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes: Found in Soissons, about 17 kilometers from Limé, the Abbaye de Saint-Jean-des-Vignes is a former Cistercian abbey that was constructed in the 13th century. Visitors can explore the beautiful ruins, including the church and the cloister, and learn about the abbey's history.
  • Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation: Located in Tergnier, approximately 30 kilometers from Limé, the Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation is a museum dedicated to the French Resistance and the deportations during World War II. It houses a collection of artifacts, photographs, and personal testimonies that provide insights into this significant period of history.
  • Le Chemin des Dames: Situated around 35 kilometers from Limé, Le Chemin des Dames is a historic road that runs along the ridge of a hill. It played a major role during World War I and is now a memorial site. Visitors can explore the preserved trenches, visit the monuments, and learn about the battles that took place there.
  • Caverne du Dragon - Musée du Chemin des Dames: Also located on Le Chemin des Dames, about 40 kilometers from Limé, the Caverne du Dragon is a former underground quarry that served as a military command post during World War I. It now houses a museum showcasing the daily lives of soldiers during the war and the harsh conditions they faced.
  • Laon Cathedral: Found in the city of Laon, approximately 45 kilometers from Limé, Laon Cathedral is a stunning example of French Gothic architecture. Dating back to the 12th century, the cathedral features intricate carvings, beautiful stained glass windows, and impressive towers that offer panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. These tourist attractions near Limé, France, offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, providing visitors with a glimpse into the region's rich heritage and beauty.