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Sandrine Mounier
La Tuilière


5 reviews

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price from €455





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Description for B&B:

This cozy and well-kept room, situated just 10 minutes away from Périgueux, provides a delightful view of the park. Experience tranquility and relaxation here with the added benefit of access to a pool. Additionally, you'll find a variety of restaurants conveniently located nearby.


Appréciations pour Mas de La Tuiliere en Perigord, Cornille:

Review by: Isabelle et Bernard de Toulouse, Nov 2 2016 5:15PM
Petit coin de paradis, tout était parfait, l'accueil, la chambre, le petit déjeuner, une maison magnifique où Denis gère bien le jardin. Vraiment à recommander
Un coin de Paradis
Review by: Patricia et Philippe Joffard , Juin 15 2015 10:39PM
Nous sommes arrivés dans une chambre dhôtes. .. et sommes repartis dune chambre damis. La chambre, qui pourrait être définie comme une suite est superbe avec une décoration très cosy qui vous invite à la détente dans une ambiance de calme et de verdure. Une propreté digne d'un hôtel 4 étoiles. Quant au petit déjeuner, encore un moment de bonheur, délices et gourmandises à nen plus finir. Le tout ponctué par laccueil chaleureux et la gentillesse de Sandrine et Denis. A renouveler et à recommander sans modération.
un bel endroit
Review by: Christine, Aou 31 2014 7:35PM
si vous cherchez le calme et le repos, c'est ici. Une vaste chambre et un petit salon, un bel accueil tout pour réussir ses vacances. Merci
Super chambre près de Périgueux
Review by: Alex et Solene, Aou 5 2014 8:16PM
Un petit nid douillet en pleine nature à 15 minutes de Périgueux.
Nous avons été chaleureusement reçus, les hôtes sont sympathiques et attentionnés.
Baignade appréciée et petit déjeuner au top !

Nous recommandons vivement !
Très bon accueil et très bon séjour
Review by: Fabrice BECOT, Juin 7 2014 11:06AM
Nous avons été très agréablement reçu par la maîtresse de maison. Les services et prestations offerts sont très satisfaisants (piscine nickel, situation géographique idéale, propreté indiscutable) A recommander à tous assurément.

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Swimming Pool


  • Château de Monbazillac: Located in Monbazillac, just a short drive from La Tuilière, this stunning castle is known for its beautiful Renaissance architecture and picturesque setting. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, enjoy wine tastings at the onsite vineyard, and soak in panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards.
  • Bergerac Old Town: Situated along the banks of the Dordogne River, Bergerac Old Town is a charming area filled with narrow cobbled streets, half-timbered houses, and lively cafes. Visitors can stroll through the medieval streets, visit the Maison des Vins to learn about local wines, and enjoy a boat ride along the river.
  • Les Jardins de Sardy: Located in Vélines, Les Jardins de Sardy is a stunning garden featuring a wide range of plant species, water features, and sculptures. Visitors can leisurely wander through the beautiful gardens, relax by the pond, and appreciate the tranquility of the surroundings.
  • Château de Bridoire: This medieval castle, situated in Ribagnac, offers a unique experience for visitors. The castle features interactive displays, including games and challenges, allowing visitors to step back in time and experience medieval life. Additionally, visitors can explore the beautiful gardens and enjoy picnics on the castle grounds.
  • Château de Lanquais: Located in Lanquais, this fortified castle dates back to the 13th century and offers a glimpse into medieval history. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, halls, and underground passages, and learn about its fascinating past through informative displays and guided tours.
  • Les Grottes de Maxange: Situated in Le Buisson-de-Cadouin, Les Grottes de Maxange is a unique underground cave system known for its stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations. Guided tours take visitors through the caves, providing an opportunity to witness the natural beauty and geological wonders hidden beneath the surface.
  • Château de Biron: Located in Biron, this impressive castle is a well-preserved example of medieval architecture. Visitors can explore the castle's various rooms, climb to the top of the tower for panoramic views, and learn about its rich history through informative exhibits.
  • Château de Bourdeilles: Situated in Bourdeilles, this castle offers a fascinating glimpse into medieval and Renaissance architecture. Visitors can explore the castle's two distinct parts: the medieval fortress and the Renaissance palace, each showcasing different architectural styles and historical periods.
  • Périgueux: As the capital of the Dordogne department, Périgueux offers a wealth of attractions. The city boasts a well-preserved historic center with narrow streets, Roman ruins, and the stunning Saint-Front Cathedral. Visitors can explore the city's museums, enjoy local cuisine at vibrant restaurants, and immerse themselves in the charming atmosphere. 10. Château de Hautefort: Located in Hautefort, this grand castle features beautiful gardens and a well-preserved interior. Visitors can explore the castle's opulent rooms, wander through the manicured gardens, and learn about its fascinating history. The castle also hosts various events and exhibitions throughout the year.

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