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Frédéric Cervoni
Mas Arnaud



4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €535





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Description for B&B:

In 2014, we established our charming guesthouse, nestled between the picturesque Cevennes mountains and the sparkling Mediterranean Sea. Our primary intention was to connect with fellow travelers and introduce them to the wonders of our region. Each of our thoughtfully designed rooms exudes a cozy atmosphere akin to a cocoon, with romantic and immaculate spaces adorned with contemporary decor. Additionally, every room features a private terrace, air conditioning, king-size beds, beautifully designed bathrooms, and breathtaking views of both the pool and the majestic Aumelas castle. Relish in our fully "homemade" breakfasts, which exclusively showcase organic products. As a special treat for musicians, we offer the availability of a grand piano. Amidst the chaos of a world that perpetually accelerates and eludes us, why not indulge in a little tranquility and serenity at our haven?

Description for Gite

Located near Gignac (Hérault), our guesthouse offers an array of amenities for a truly unforgettable experience. Immerse yourself in the world of local wines, indulge in a game of tennis, or simply unwind by our inviting heated pool. Each room boasts a distinctive and captivating design, ranging from romantic and baroque to manga-inspired. Catering to your preferences and desires, your stay with us promises tranquility and utmost satisfaction. Our wellness offerings include rejuvenating massages and beauty treatments, along with access to our heated pool, jacuzzi, and a giant trampoline for the little ones. Rest assured with our private and secure parking, and take advantage of additional facilities such as a TV room, a music room featuring a grand piano, a fully-equipped kitchen, and barbecue grills by the pool.


Appréciations pour Mise en Scène, Aumelas:

Super semaine inoubliable
Review by: Elisa et JF et Clelia , Jan 8 2019 10:31PM
Merci à Frédéric et Amandine pour ce super séjour, on se sent ici comme chez nous, tout est fait pour que vous soyez le plus détendu possible, très belle suite, petit déjeuner excellent, Frédéric à été à nos petits soins durant tout le sejour, et garderons un bon souvenir de notre dernière soirée très sympa et chaleureuse, nous reviendrons avec grand plaisir.
Venez découvrir cette magnifique maison d hotes
Review by: Julie et Vincent - séjour du 11 août 2014, Aou 19 2014 11:20PM
Comment se sentir a la maison en n'étant pas chez soi. C est le pari réussi d'Amandine et Frédéric qui nous reçoivent en toute simplicité´ discrétion et professionnalisme dans ce havre de paix ou le maître mot est la convivialité. Convivialité autour d'un agréable petit déjeuner, partage de la cuisine, du barbecue avec tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de profiter de tous ces moments simples mais tellement agréables. Sans oublier bien entendu la piscine et le sauna. Une pensée pour Maryvonne et Elisa
un petit havre de paix
Review by: Sabine et Fabien, Juin 13 2014 9:52AM
Superbe endroit, au calme, des chambres magnifiques, un accueil chaleureux, tout est fait pour passer un moment merveilleux, Frederic et Amandine nous on reçu avec une extrême gentillesse et plein d'attentions.
Petit déjeuner très copieux, confitures maison, jus de fruit frais un vrai délice !
Un espace détente qui ne peut que vous inviter a revenir.
Notre seul regret, ne pas être resté plus longtemps
mais nous reviendrons :-))
A découvrir !
Review by: Yannick et Marie, Juin 2 2014 1:31PM
Gros coup de cur pour ce petit havre de paix à Aumelas. Autant pour la douceur des lieux mais également pour la sympathie des propriétaires, Amandine et Frédéric! Aux petits soins avec leurs hôtes, ils nous gâtent avec de bons produits locaux. Un petit déjeuner avec confitures et salade de fruits maison, jus d'oranges pressées, hummm! Le tout entre ombre et soleil sur la terrasse avec vu sur la piscine et l'espace détente! De nombreuses activités et sites à découvrir aux alentours. Un très bel endroit, calme, apaisant et reposant! Nous y retournerons toujours avec grand plaisir.

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To get to your destination, start by heading from Montpellier towards Millau. Once you reach the A750 motorway, take the exit for Saint-Paul and Valmalle. Drive through the village and continue straight for approximately 4km. Afterward, make a left turn towards Aumelas and keep going straight. When you reach the small roundabout in Aumelas, proceed along the regional D139 for about 400 meters. Then, look for the sign that says "Mise en Scène Maison dhôtes" and turn right. Drive for another 300 meters, and you will have arrived at your destination!



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 535 535 610 610
Apartment 1 150 150 890 890


Swimming Pool


  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert (12 km): A charming medieval village nestled in a picturesque valley, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert is known for its abbey and narrow cobblestone streets. Explore the village's historic buildings and enjoy the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Lac du Salagou (15 km): A scenic reservoir surrounded by red cliffs and rugged hills, Lac du Salagou offers a variety of outdoor activities. Visitors can go swimming, windsurfing, or hiking on the numerous trails in the area. The vibrant colors of the lake make it a photographer's paradise.
  • Montpellier (30 km): The vibrant city of Montpellier is a bustling hub of art, history, and culture. Explore the historic city center, wander through the lively streets lined with shops and cafes, and visit attractions like the Place de la Comédie, Montpellier Cathedral, and the Musée Fabre.
  • Pézenas (35 km): Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, Pézenas is a charming town that was once the residence of the famous playwright Molière. Stroll through the old town's narrow streets, admire the elegant mansions, and browse the local shops offering traditional crafts and antiques.
  • Pont du Diable (40 km): Located in the Hérault River Gorges, the Pont du Diable (Devil's Bridge) is a stunning medieval stone bridge. Known for its architectural beauty and natural surroundings, it is a popular spot for swimming, picnicking, and enjoying the scenic views.
  • Cirque de Navacelles (45 km): A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Cirque de Navacelles is a breathtaking natural amphitheater formed by the Vis River. Marvel at the dramatic cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and picturesque village of Navacelles perched on the rim of the cirque.
  • Carcassonne (90 km): A must-visit for history enthusiasts, Carcassonne is a fortified city with a well-preserved medieval citadel. Explore the impressive ramparts, visit the Basilica of Saint-Nazaire, and immerse yourself in the medieval atmosphere of this UNESCO-listed site.
  • Nîmes (90 km): Known for its well-preserved Roman monuments, Nîmes offers a fascinating blend of ancient history and modern culture. Visit the iconic Arena of Nîmes, the Maison Carrée, and the stunning Jardins de la Fontaine, among other historical and architectural highlights.
  • Camargue Natural Regional Park (110 km): The Camargue is a unique natural area characterized by its marshlands, salt flats, and diverse wildlife. Take a safari tour to spot flamingos, bulls, white horses, and other native species. Enjoy birdwatching, horseback riding, or simply soak in the tranquility of this beautiful nature reserve. 10. Pont du Gard (120 km): One of the most impressive Roman aqueducts, the Pont du Gard is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Marvel at the architectural grandeur of this ancient structure, enjoy a picnic by the river, or explore the nearby museum to learn about its fascinating history.

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