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Bettina Keck
55 Avenue de Sumene


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €53






Description for B&B:

The cozy bedroom is located in a charming little house nestled within our garden. It comfortably accommodates two people and is conveniently connected to a bathroom. Additionally, guests are welcome to utilize the fully-equipped outdoor kitchen.


Appréciations pour Le Mazet, Ganges:

charmante studette d'été
Review by: DE LARROCHE Clara, Juil 4 2014 11:01AM
pas de tv, pas de wifi... le calme d'une jolie chambre avec salle de bain, aménagées avec goût, cuisine d'été et grand jardin indépendant (hamacs, chaises longues), derrière la maison des propriétaires. Toutes les commodités à Gange (à 500 m à pied), dans une très belle région (balades, rivières, sites exceptionnels). Accueil chaleureux et nombreux renseignements, pour un séjour paradisiaque.

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 53 70 280 350


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  • Le Pont du Diable (The Devil's Bridge) - Located in the nearby town of Saint-Jean-de-Fos, Le Pont du Diable is an ancient medieval bridge spanning the Hérault River. It is renowned for its architectural beauty and historical significance.
  • Grotte des Demoiselles (The Demoiselles Cave) - Situated in the village of Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois, this stunning limestone cave offers visitors a chance to explore its magnificent chambers adorned with stalactites and stalagmites. Guided tours are available to showcase the cave's natural wonders.
  • Parc National des Cévennes (Cévennes National Park) - This vast national park, located just a short distance from Ganges, is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. It offers breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, and a network of hiking trails, making it a perfect destination for outdoor activities.
  • Mont Aigoual - Standing at an altitude of 1,567 meters, Mont Aigoual is the highest peak in the Cévennes National Park. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views from the summit, visit the meteorological observatory, and explore the surrounding natural beauty.
  • Lac du Salagou (Lake Salagou) - Located approximately 30 kilometers southwest of Ganges, this picturesque lake is known for its vibrant red shores and turquoise waters. It offers various recreational activities such as swimming, sailing, and hiking, and is surrounded by stunning landscapes.
  • Grotte de Clamouse (Clamouse Cave) - Situated near the village of Saint-Jean-de-Fos, this cave is renowned for its stunning array of stalactites and stalagmites. Guided tours take visitors on an underground journey through its magnificent chambers, showcasing the wonders of nature.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert - A medieval village nestled in the heart of the Hérault Valley, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert is classified as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France." Its narrow streets, charming architecture, and the famous Abbey of Gellone make it a must-visit destination.
  • Cirque de Navacelles - Located in the Cévennes Mountains, this natural amphitheater carved by the Vis River is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The stunning views, deep canyons, and the picturesque village of Navacelles attract visitors seeking natural beauty and tranquility.
  • Château de Brissac - Situated near Ganges, this 16th-century castle is a remarkable example of Renaissance architecture. Visitors can explore its grand rooms, stroll through the beautiful gardens, and learn about its fascinating history. 10. Musée de la Soie (Silk Museum) - Located in the nearby town of Saint-Hippolyte-du-Fort, this museum showcases the region's rich silk production history. Visitors can learn about the traditional silk-making process, admire intricate textiles, and discover the importance of silk in the local culture.

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