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Martine Vernier
27 Grande Rue
Chissey sur Loue


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Price per night:

price from €60





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Description for B&B:

All of the accommodations feature private bathrooms, and guests have access to a garden with a swimming pool and barbecue area. Breakfasts include delicious homemade jams, breads, and buns. Additionally, the nearby Royal Saltworks of Arc et Senans, forests, and ponds offer ample opportunities for scenic walks.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 60 60 20 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Chissey-sur-Loue: Located in the heart of Chissey-sur-Loue, this medieval castle offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Explore the well-preserved architecture, walk through the beautiful gardens, and learn about the castle's rich history.
  • Grottes d'Osselle: Situated approximately 10 kilometers from Chissey-sur-Loue, the Grottes d'Osselle are a series of stunning caves. Admire the unique rock formations, underground rivers, and impressive stalactites and stalagmites during a guided tour.
  • Source de la Loue: Just a short distance from Chissey-sur-Loue, you'll find the Source de la Loue, a picturesque natural spring. Enjoy a peaceful walk along the riverbank, take in the tranquil surroundings, and appreciate the crystal-clear waters.
  • Arbois: A charming town located around 20 kilometers from Chissey-sur-Loue, Arbois is famous for being the birthplace of Louis Pasteur. Explore the historic center, visit the Maison Pasteur museum, and indulge in the renowned local wines.
  • Salins-les-Bains: Known for its salt mines, Salins-les-Bains is a spa town located approximately 35 kilometers from Chissey-sur-Loue. Discover the fascinating history of salt production at the Saline Royale, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and relax in the town's thermal baths.
  • Baume-les-Messieurs: Nestled in a picturesque valley, Baume-les-Messieurs is a charming village around 30 kilometers from Chissey-sur-Loue. Explore the impressive Abbaye Impériale, stroll through the village's narrow streets, and hike to the nearby scenic viewpoint known as "Belvédère des 3 Croix."
  • Cascades du Hérisson: Located approximately 50 kilometers from Chissey-sur-Loue, the Cascades du Hérisson is a series of stunning waterfalls cascading through a beautiful wooded area. Follow the well-marked hiking trails to witness the beauty of these natural wonders.
  • Besançon: Situated around 60 kilometers from Chissey-sur-Loue, Besançon is a historic city with a rich cultural heritage. Explore the iconic Citadelle de Besançon, visit the impressive Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie, and wander through the charming old town.
  • Dole: Located approximately 70 kilometers from Chissey-sur-Loue, Dole is a picturesque town situated along the Doubs River. Admire the beautiful Renaissance architecture, visit the birthplace of Louis Pasteur, and take a relaxing boat ride along the river. 10. Pontarlier: Situated around 80 kilometers from Chissey-sur-Loue, Pontarlier is a scenic town known for its absinthe production. Explore the historic center, visit the Musée de l'Absinthe, and enjoy the panoramic views from the nearby Mont d'Or summit.

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