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Pourtet Serge
02 Sentier du Stade
Le Vivier sur Mer


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Price per week:

price from €550






Description for Gite

This gite is perfectly situated on the beautiful bay of Cancale and Mont St Michel, only 400 meters from the beach. It is tucked away in a quiet dead end street, offering privacy and tranquility, making it an ideal place to unwind. Conveniently, there are shops within 300 meters, including a grocery store, pharmacy, butcher, four restaurants, bakery, and a bar tobacco.

This house is particularly well-suited for families with children as it is fully equipped with everything you need for your little ones, such as a baby bed, bath, changing table, and toys. Additionally, we provide seven bikes for both adults and children to explore the surrounding area.

The layout of the house includes a spacious living area of 90 square meters on the ground floor, featuring a granite fireplace, dining room, office, and a fully equipped kitchen. There is also a bedroom with a private bathroom and a separate toilet on this floor. Upstairs, you will find three large bedrooms, one of which has a TV and DVD player, a large bathroom, and another separate toilet.

The main attractions of this rental are the comfort and tranquility it offers in a stunning location between Cancale and Mont St Michel, along the picturesque coastline.

Please note that pets are not allowed in this property. The price for renting this gite ranges from 450 Euros to 1000 Euros per week, depending on the season and the number of guests. Weekend rentals are also possible, as well as extended weekend stays. Additional packages, such as linen services, are available for an extra fee.


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extra bed
Notes: Prix en fonction basse ou haute saison et nombre de personnes


Disabled Access


  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located approximately 8 kilometers away from Le Vivier sur Mer, Mont Saint-Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of France's most iconic landmarks. This medieval abbey is situated on a rocky island and offers breathtaking views, historic architecture, and charming streets filled with shops and restaurants.
  • Saint-Malo: Located around 15 kilometers from Le Vivier sur Mer, Saint-Malo is a historic walled city renowned for its stunning beaches, fortified walls, and maritime heritage. Visitors can explore the cobblestone streets, visit the Saint-Malo Cathedral, and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the city walls.
  • Cancale: Situated approximately 5 kilometers away, Cancale is a picturesque fishing village famous for its oysters. Visitors can stroll along the harbor, savor fresh seafood in the local restaurants, and even take a boat trip to see oyster beds and learn about the oyster farming process.
  • Dinan: Located around 40 kilometers from Le Vivier sur Mer, Dinan is a charming medieval town with well-preserved ramparts, half-timbered houses, and narrow cobbled streets. The town offers a rich history, including the impressive 13th-century Dinan Castle and the Saint-Sauveur Basilica.
  • Cap Fréhel: Situated approximately 50 kilometers away, Cap Fréhel is a stunning headland known for its dramatic cliffs, panoramic views, and picturesque lighthouse. Visitors can enjoy scenic walks along the coastal paths, explore the nature reserve, and admire the breathtaking landscapes.
  • Fort La Latte: Located near Cap Fréhel, Fort La Latte is a medieval fortress perched on a cliff overlooking the sea. This historic castle offers guided tours, stunning views, and a chance to immerse yourself in its rich history.
  • Dol-de-Bretagne: Situated around 20 kilometers from Le Vivier sur Mer, Dol-de-Bretagne is a charming town known for its medieval cathedral, attractive timber-framed houses, and historic center. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, visit the cathedral, and explore the town's rich heritage.
  • Château de Combourg: Located approximately 30 kilometers away, Château de Combourg is a magnificent castle surrounded by a lake and beautiful parkland. This medieval fortress is famous for being the childhood home of French writer François-René de Chateaubriand and offers guided tours to discover its history. These attractions near Le Vivier sur Mer offer a diverse range of experiences, from medieval architecture and historical sites to natural beauty and coastal charm.

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