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Maurice Pons
Mas La Bécarasse


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price from €500






Description for Gite

Located in the serene countryside, this charming Cevenol stone farmhouse offers a cozy country cottage for two people. The cottage boasts a spacious terrace that overlooks the beautiful park grounds. Situated on the ground floor, it is one of the five Gites de France labeled accommodations, guaranteeing a high standard of quality. With 100m2 of space, the cottage provides a delightful view of the surrounding nature. Guests can indulge in various outdoor activities such as hiking and biking, or even participate in an introduction to beekeeping. For those interested in organic produce, an accessible vegetable garden is available. Additionally, a nearby spa offers rejuvenating treatments along with its club and casino. Guests can experience tranquility and enjoy the utmost comfort in this cottage, which comprises three bedrooms, a reading room, two bathrooms, two toilets, a kitchen, and a lounge area.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 20 500 870


Swimming Pool
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  • Pont du Gard: Located approximately 15 km from Mas La Bécarasse, Pont du Gard is a stunning Roman aqueduct bridge that spans the Gardon River. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers breathtaking views and the opportunity to learn about ancient Roman engineering.
  • Nîmes: Situated about 30 km from Mas La Bécarasse, Nîmes is a historic city known for its well-preserved Roman monuments. The most famous of these is the Arena of Nîmes, an ancient amphitheater that hosts various events and concerts throughout the year.
  • Uzès: Located around 35 km from Mas La Bécarasse, Uzès is a charming medieval town characterized by its narrow streets and beautiful architecture. The town is home to the impressive Uzès Cathedral and the picturesque Place aux Herbes, a vibrant square with cafes and a weekly market.
  • Aigues-Mortes: Situated approximately 90 km from Mas La Bécarasse, Aigues-Mortes is a fortified town rich in history. Surrounded by medieval ramparts, the town offers visitors the chance to explore its narrow streets, visit the Tower of Constance, and enjoy panoramic views from the top of the ramparts.
  • Avignon: Located about 70 km from Mas La Bécarasse, Avignon is famous for its stunning medieval architecture and the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes). Visitors can explore the well-preserved city walls, wander through the charming streets, and visit the famous Pont d'Avignon.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Situated approximately 90 km from Mas La Bécarasse, Les Baux-de-Provence is a picturesque village perched on a rocky outcrop. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and is home to the impressive Château des Baux, a medieval fortress that dates back to the 10th century.
  • Camargue Regional Nature Park: Located around 70 km from Mas La Bécarasse, the Camargue Regional Nature Park is a unique natural area known for its marshes, salt flats, and diverse wildlife. Visitors can explore the park's trails, go birdwatching, and even spot wild horses and flamingos.
  • Arles: Situated approximately 50 km from Mas La Bécarasse, Arles is a city with a rich Roman heritage. It is home to numerous ancient Roman monuments, including the well-preserved Arles Amphitheatre and the Roman Theatre. The city also inspired several paintings by Vincent van Gogh. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Mas La Bécarasse, offering a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences.

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