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Contact Details:


Paolo Santoro
7 Rue du Docteur Jacq


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Price per night:

price from €63






Description for B&B:

Our establishment offers three cozy bedrooms, including two double rooms and one twin room. Each bedroom features an ensuite shower room, complete with a shower, wash-basin, and toilet. The rooms are furnished in a traditional style and offer ample storage space, as well as central heating and double glazing for your comfort. During the summer, fans are provided to keep you cool. On the ground floor, we have a delightful Breakfast room that is open for your use at any time. It provides a serene atmosphere to relax with a book or explore the local information available. Additionally, you are welcome to help yourself to tea and coffee from the breakfast room at any time. We also offer WiFi access for your convenience.


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To reach Huelgoat from Morlaix, head south for approximately 30 minutes. Follow the D769 road towards Carhaix. At the roundabout, take the second exit and stay on D769. Keep driving until you pass by Pemmergues. Then, make a right turn onto D14 and continue past Berrien. Once you arrive in Huelgoat, the road will guide you along the edge of the lake. When you reach the end of the lake, turn left into rue du Generale de Gaulle. Stay on this road and continue straight ahead into rue du docteur Jacq. Our location is on the left-hand side.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 63 65 397 410 18 Oui


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Forest of Huelgoat: Located just a short walk from Rue du Docteur Jacq, the Forest of Huelgoat is a picturesque natural attraction with enchanting landscapes, ancient rock formations, and peaceful walking trails. Visitors can explore the legendary Cave of the Devil and admire the impressive Trembling Rock.
  • La Roche Tremblante: Situated within the Forest of Huelgoat, La Roche Tremblante is a massive granite boulder that can be easily moved with a light touch. This unique geological phenomenon attracts tourists who enjoy the challenge of trying to make the rock tremble.
  • Huelgoat Village Center: The village center of Huelgoat offers a charming atmosphere with its traditional Breton architecture and quaint streets. Visitors can explore local shops, cafes, and restaurants, and experience the warm hospitality of the community.
  • Le Chaos de Rochers: Known as the Chaos of Rocks, this natural site is another highlight of the Forest of Huelgoat. It features a collection of enormous moss-covered boulders, creating a mystical and otherworldly landscape that is popular among hikers and nature enthusiasts.
  • Carhaix-Plouguer: Located approximately 15 kilometers south of Huelgoat, Carhaix-Plouguer is a small town known for its rich history and cultural heritage. It offers attractions like the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Kernitron and hosts the renowned Vieilles Charrues music festival.
  • Menez-Hom: Situated about 30 kilometers west of Huelgoat, Menez-Hom is a mountain offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, including the Crozon Peninsula and the Bay of Douarnenez. It is a popular destination for hiking, paragliding, and birdwatching.
  • Château de Trévarez: Located around 30 kilometers northeast of Huelgoat, the Château de Trévarez is an impressive castle surrounded by beautiful gardens and parkland. Built in the early 20th century, it showcases architectural grandeur and hosts various exhibitions and events throughout the year.
  • Armorique Regional Natural Park: Stretching across Finistère and several other departments, the Armorique Regional Natural Park offers diverse landscapes, including forests, moors, rivers, and coastline. Visitors can enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting in this protected natural area.
  • Morlaix: Situated approximately 30 kilometers north of Huelgoat, Morlaix is a historic town renowned for its picturesque Old Town, featuring half-timbered houses and a stunning viaduct. Visitors can explore the cobbled streets, visit the 15th-century Church of Saint-Melaine, and discover the Viaduct Museum. 10. Pointe de Pen-Hir: Located about 70 kilometers west of Huelgoat, Pointe de Pen-Hir is a dramatic headland with rugged cliffs, offering breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. Visitors can witness the impressive natural beauty, visit the nearby Monument to the Bretons of Free France, and explore the nearby beaches.