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Myriam Peat
58 av Peyrevidal
Castillon en Couserans


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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

We have five guest rooms available in our house, each offering private bathrooms, a kettle for easy tea and herbal tea preparation, and olive oil soap. Let me describe each room for you:

1. The Dreamer: This room is located in the next village and features a cozy double bed situated in an alcove. Additionally, it offers a living room area and a single bed. The bathroom includes a shower, washbasin, and toilet conveniently placed beside the alcove.

2. The House of Flowers: Located in the next village, this room provides a comfortable double bed along with a shower, toilet, and sink.

3. Aunt Gillian's Room: Situated in the garden, this room offers 100 beds in two separate areas, making it perfect for larger groups or families. It includes a shower, toilet, and sink.

4. The Chamber of Curiosities: Also located in the garden, this room features a double bed and a single bed in an alcove. The bathroom includes a shower, toilet, and sink on both sides of the alcove.

5. The House of Moons: Situated on the 2nd floor in the attic, this room overlooks the garden and offers a comfortable double bed. The bathroom includes a shower, toilet, and sink.

We invite you to experience a comfortable stay in any of these welcoming and well-equipped guest rooms.


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Our location is in the Couserans region of Ariège, which is situated 1 hour and 15 minutes southwest of Toulouse and 12km west of St Girons. When you reach St Girons, head towards the Portet d'Aspet - Luchon on the D 618 road for 10km, and then continue following the signs for Castillon for the last two kilometers. Our establishment is located on Main Street, number 58, directly across from the GAY pastry shop.





  • Château de Montségur: Located approximately 18 kilometers southeast of Castillon en Couserans, the Château de Montségur is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky hilltop. It is famous for its role in the Cathar history and offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Saint-Lizier Cathedral: Situated around 12 kilometers north of Castillon en Couserans, Saint-Lizier Cathedral is a beautiful Romanesque-Gothic style cathedral. It features intricate architectural details and houses a museum showcasing religious art and artifacts.
  • Parc de la Préhistoire de Tarascon-sur-Ariège: Located about 25 kilometers northeast of Castillon en Couserans, this prehistoric park is dedicated to the exploration of human evolution. Visitors can discover life-sized reconstructions of ancient animals and participate in interactive exhibits and workshops.
  • Grotte de Niaux: Situated approximately 35 kilometers northeast of Castillon en Couserans, the Grotte de Niaux is a renowned prehistoric cave. It contains impressive cave paintings dating back over 14,000 years, depicting various animals and hunting scenes.
  • Les Forges de Pyrène: Positioned around 15 kilometers northeast of Castillon en Couserans, Les Forges de Pyrène is a living museum showcasing traditional iron and steel forging techniques. Visitors can explore the workshops, witness demonstrations, and even try their hand at blacksmithing.
  • Lac de Bethmale: Situated about 20 kilometers west of Castillon en Couserans, Lac de Bethmale is a picturesque mountain lake surrounded by lush forests. It offers opportunities for fishing, hiking, and picnicking, as well as a tranquil setting for relaxation.
  • Col de la Core: Located approximately 25 kilometers south of Castillon en Couserans, Col de la Core is a mountain pass renowned for its scenic beauty. It is a popular destination for hikers and cyclists, offering breathtaking views of the Pyrenees.
  • Maison des Loups: Positioned about 30 kilometers northeast of Castillon en Couserans, Maison des Loups is a wolf sanctuary and educational center. Visitors can observe wolves in their natural habitat, learn about their behavior, and participate in guided tours and workshops.
  • Le Parc aux Bambous: Situated around 40 kilometers east of Castillon en Couserans, Le Parc aux Bambous is a bamboo park and garden. It features a wide variety of bamboo species, exotic plants, and Asian-inspired landscapes, providing a serene and unique experience. 10. Golf Club du Couserans: Located approximately 10 kilometers north of Castillon en Couserans, Golf Club du Couserans offers a picturesque 18-hole golf course surrounded by beautiful countryside. It welcomes both experienced golfers and beginners, providing a relaxing and enjoyable activity.

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