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Contact Details:


Sebastien Louvet
Le Plan de L'alpe,
Villar D'arêne


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €46






Description for B&B:

This is a renovated farm that utilizes healthy and ecological materials such as hemp, wood wool, massive timbers, roofing slate, and larch from the local area. It is designed with minimal comfort in mind and is equipped with its own heating system and solar electricity. Our accommodation options include small private rooms, a dormitory for six people, and a collective suite of rooms. Upstairs, guests can enjoy a spacious living and dining area with exposed beams and a wood burning stove.

We offer stays ranging from one to several nights with half board included. Fresh products are delivered to us 2-3 times a week by men on foot, ensuring the availability of high-quality ingredients.

This secluded site is situated just 300m from the entrance of the Ecrins National Park, surrounded by breathtaking views of the surrounding glaciers. Guests can enjoy a unique breakfast experience on the terrace, with marmots only 5m away, providing an unforgettable change of scenery.


Appréciations pour Chalet- Refuge de Chamoissière, 2106m, Villar D'arêne:

Belle découverte
Review by: ALLARY, Aou 7 2014 7:15PM
Après une randonnée dans le toujours aussi bel alpage de Villar d'Arène dimanche 3 aout, nous avons été charmés par ce tout nouveau refuge. Le repas a été excellent, avec un accueil très chaleureux et une chambre familiale pour 4 parfaite pour un couple avec 2 enfants.
A recommander vivement !!!

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To reach your destination, start by heading towards the hamlet called "Pied du col," which is located between Villar Arêne and Col du Lautaret. From there, follow the road until you reach the house known as "pas de lâne" at the end of the road. Afterward, continue on the vehicle track for about 1.5 kilometers until you reach the final parking area.

Once you arrive at the parking area, it's time to leave behind your worries, laptop, and iPhone. Instead, equip yourself with walking shoes, a backpack, and hiking sticks. You'll need them for the approximately one-hour walk on the GR54 trail towards the Col d'Arsine and the lake.

After about 50 minutes of uphill walking, you'll reach a ledge from where you'll be able to spot the chalets of "le plan de l'Alpe." It will only take you 15 more minutes to reach them. Enjoy your journey!



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(3 pers.)
4 46 46 46 46


Animals Allowed


  • La Grave - La Meije Cable Car: This cable car offers breathtaking panoramic views as it takes you up to the glacier at an altitude of 3,200 meters. Enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and mountaineering in the winter or hiking and mountain biking in the summer.
  • Col du Lautaret: This mountain pass offers stunning views of the surrounding peaks and is a popular spot for road cyclists. Take a drive or hike to appreciate the natural beauty and enjoy a picnic amidst alpine meadows.
  • Ecrins National Park: Just a short distance away, this national park is a paradise for nature lovers. Explore its diverse landscape, including glaciers, lakes, and rugged peaks. Enjoy hiking, wildlife spotting, and mountaineering in this pristine wilderness.
  • Chanteloube Glacier: Situated in the heart of Ecrins National Park, this glacier is a popular spot for ice climbing and mountaineering. Admire the stunning ice formations and experience the thrill of climbing on frozen walls.
  • Col d'Izoard: This iconic mountain pass has been featured in the Tour de France multiple times. Drive or cycle through its winding roads, surrounded by breathtaking scenery. Don't miss the Casse Déserte, a unique lunar-like landscape at the top.
  • Briançon: Known as the highest city in Europe, Briançon is a fortified town with a rich history. Explore its well-preserved fortifications, picturesque old town, and visit the Vauban Fortifications, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Serre Chevalier Valley: Located nearby, this renowned ski resort offers over 250 kilometers of slopes. Enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports, or visit during the summer for hiking, mountain biking, and paragliding.
  • Les Deux Alpes: A short drive away, Les Deux Alpes is a popular ski resort known for its extensive skiing area and vibrant après-ski scene. Enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities, or take a ride on the Jandri Express cable car for stunning views.
  • Aiguille du Midi: Situated in nearby Chamonix, this iconic peak offers one of the most spectacular views in the French Alps. Take a cable car to the top and enjoy panoramic vistas of Mont Blanc and the surrounding peaks. 10. Pont d'Espagne: Located in the Pyrenees National Park, this picturesque site features a beautiful waterfall, hiking trails, and a suspension bridge. Enjoy a scenic walk amidst lush forests and cascading streams. Note: Please check the opening hours and accessibility of these attractions before visiting, as they may vary depending on the season and weather conditions.