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Agnès & Francis Sevrin-Cance
Téranga - 303, avenue Adeline Cubaynes (ancienne route de Douelle)
Cahors (Pradines)


5 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80





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Description for B&B:

The sitting-room, dining-room, and bedrooms of this family house have all been carefully restored to maintain the authentic atmosphere that has been enjoyed by generations of happy vacationers.

Start your day with a gourmet breakfast served on the terrace or in the dining-room. Indulge in homemade cakes, jams, cereals, and fresh fruit to start your day off right.

If you appreciate authenticity and a vibrant way of life, our region is perfect for you. Explore charming towns, picturesque hilltop villages, beautiful rivers, and fascinating prehistoric sites. Delight in our excellent cuisine and enjoy the pleasant weather. There is so much more to discover.

After a thrilling day of exploration, unwind and relax in our heated swimming pool, measuring 12.50 x 4 meters.


Appréciations pour Téranga, Cahors (Pradines):

superbe accueil
Review by: Leconte Marie, Aou 19 2021 12:48PM
Merci à Agnès et Fabrice pour leur accueil ! Chambre très propre et à la déco soignée et atypique, jardin, terrasse et piscine très appréciable ! le petit déjeuner (tout fait maison) a été un de mes meilleurs moments avec beaucoup d'échanges avec Agnès.
Merci également pour vos conseils (restaurants, balades, vignerons) nous n'avons pas été déçu !!! Au plaisir de vous revoir !
Très jolie chambre d'hôte
Review by: Eva-Maria Raddatz, Aou 30 2018 4:16PM
Sehr schönes und geschmackvolles Zimmer, nette Vermieter, die jederzeit Tipps für Ausflüge in der Umgebung geben. Schöner Pool.
Review by: Fabrizio Bettiol, Aou 25 2017 11:24AM
Ottima sistemazione vicino Cahors.
Bella dimora circondata da un bel giardino con piscina.
Tutto molto caratteristio e ricco di atmosfera.
Camera ben arredata e confortevole.
Ottimo il breakfast servito con garbo.
Gentili e disponibili i proprietari.
Ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo
Super séjour
Review by: Charlotte et Bertrand, Juin 23 2014 6:36PM
Très bon accueil par des hôtes chaleureux et sympathique. Maison très agréable, avec un superbe jardin et piscine pour se relaxer. Petit déjeuner excellent avec des confitures maison très appréciées. Gràce à leur connaissance de la région nous avons pu découvrir de magnifiques lieux.
séjour à TERANGA
Review by: claudia, Avr 30 2014 7:44PM
Accueil chaleureux, chambre soignée, petit déjeuner délicieux, un mélange réussi de professionnalité et sympathie

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To reach Téranga from Paris, which is 575 km away, take the A20 motorway and head towards Toulouse. Once you reach the North (Paris) exit at junction 57, follow the signs for Cahors. After approximately 12 km on the N20, you will see a sign for "Pradines". Take a right turn onto the D8 road and continue following the signs for "Pradines, Luzech". Pass four roundabouts and continue in the direction of Douelle.

If you are coming from the South (Toulouse), exit at junction 58 sign-posted Cahors. Drive for about 16 km on the N20 until you reach a large roundabout. Take the second exit in the direction of Paris, Brive. Then, follow the signs for Pradines, Luzech and continue on the D8 road towards Pradines. Pass five roundabouts and continue in the direction of Douelle.

Once you pass the last roundabout (near the old village), Téranga is exactly one kilometer ahead. Do not follow the sign for "Pradines bourg" on the right. Instead, continue straight for one kilometer and then turn left just after the small house with the yellow sign that says "Téranga".

The GPS coordinates for Téranga are:
North: 44.48434
South: 1.39775

Please be mindful of the speed limit in Pradines, which is 50 km/h.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: High season rate : July and August 90 / high season : 2 nights minimum stay
Notes: High season rate : July and August 105 / high season : 2 nights minimum stay


Swimming Pool


  • Pont Valentré: Located in Cahors, the Pont Valentré is a stunning medieval bridge that spans the Lot River. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is known for its three defensive towers and intricate architecture.
  • Cahors Cathedral: Situated in the heart of Cahors, the Cathedral of Saint-Étienne is a beautiful Romanesque cathedral dating back to the 11th century. It features impressive stained glass windows and a magnificent organ.
  • Château de Cénevières: This picturesque castle is located on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Lot River. Dating back to the 12th century, Château de Cénevières offers guided tours and provides a glimpse into the region's history and architecture.
  • Pech Merle Cave: Situated in the village of Cabrerets, Pech Merle Cave is a prehistoric cave known for its remarkable cave paintings. Visitors can explore the cave and admire the ancient artwork depicting animals and human figures.
  • Rocamadour: Just a short drive from Cahors, Rocamadour is a captivating medieval village built into the side of a cliff. It is a popular pilgrimage site and features historic buildings, including the famous Notre Dame Chapel.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: Located on a cliff overlooking the Lot River, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie is a charming village known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, visit art galleries, and enjoy panoramic views from the cliffside.
  • Château de Bonaguil: Situated near Fumel, the Château de Bonaguil is an impressive fortress built during the 13th and 15th centuries. It offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its unique architecture and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation: Located in Cahors, this museum is dedicated to the history of the French Resistance and the deportation of Jews during World War II. It houses various exhibits, including photographs, objects, and personal stories.
  • Cahors Vineyards: The region surrounding Cahors is known for its vineyards and production of Malbec wine. Visitors can explore the vineyards, participate in wine tastings, and learn about the winemaking process. 10. Quercyland: Located in Souillac, Quercyland is a fun-filled water park perfect for families. It features various water slides, pools, and activities, providing a refreshing and entertaining day out. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the rich heritage and scenic beauty of the Cahors region in France.

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