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Thierry Le Cocq
Le Bourg


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price from €49





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Description for B&B:

Welcome to La Closerie Des Arts! Situated on the outskirts of the picturesque village of Gabillou, nestled in the idyllic countryside of Perigord, lies a truly enchanting destination. Discover a delightful patio adorned with a terrace adorned with vibrant wisteria. Gaze upon a private pool that overlooks 1.5 hectares of breathtaking Perigord landscapes. Though unclassified, this haven offers an unparalleled experience of utmost tranquility and indulgence, where every detail is meticulously crafted to ensure utmost comfort.

Description for Gite

Our accommodations feature comfortable living rooms and bathrooms with a separate toilet for added convenience. Each lodge is equipped with a kitchenette, including a microwave oven and fridge, allowing you to have complete autonomy during your stay. However, if you desire a vibrant and lively atmosphere, you are more than welcome to join our warm and friendly family for breakfast and other meals. Additionally, our property boasts a lovely patio, terraces, a swimming pool, and a solarium, all overlooking three acres of open meadow. This idyllic setting provides the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the fresh countryside air and unwind in a relaxing and picturesque environment every day.


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To get to Gabillou, located at Le Bourg in 24210, follow these travel directions:



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 49 79 294 474 8
Apartment 1 71 89 426 534 8
Holiday Home 1 87 109 522 654 8


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Lascaux IV: Located in Montignac, just a short drive from Le Bourg, Lascaux IV is a replica of the famous prehistoric Lascaux Cave. It showcases meticulously recreated cave paintings that date back over 17,000 years, providing visitors with a glimpse into the ancient world.
  • Château de Hautefort: Situated in the town of Hautefort, this stunning castle is a must-visit attraction. With its beautiful gardens and well-preserved architecture, the Château de Hautefort offers a glimpse into the region's rich history and provides breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Gouffre de Proumeyssac: Known as the "Crystal Cathedral," this unique cave system is located in Audrix, near Le Bourg. Visitors can explore the underground chambers adorned with impressive stalactites and stalagmites, while enjoying a magical light show that enhances the natural beauty of the formations.
  • Jardins du Manoir d'Eyrignac: Situated in Salignac-Eyvigues, these meticulously manicured gardens are considered one of the most beautiful in France. The Jardins du Manoir d'Eyrignac feature elegant topiaries, vibrant flowerbeds, and serene water features, offering visitors a peaceful and enchanting experience.
  • Château de Beynac: Perched atop a cliff overlooking the Dordogne River, the Château de Beynac is a medieval fortress that offers panoramic views of the surrounding valley. Exploring its well-preserved ramparts, towers, and courtyards provides a captivating journey back in time.
  • Les Jardins de Marqueyssac: Located in Vézac, these remarkable gardens offer breathtaking views of the Dordogne Valley. With its winding paths, manicured hedges, and over 150,000 hand-pruned boxwoods, Les Jardins de Marqueyssac provides a serene and picturesque setting for a leisurely stroll.
  • Grotte de Tourtoirac: Situated in the town of Tourtoirac, this natural cave system is renowned for its stunning geological formations. Visitors can explore the underground chambers and admire the intricate stalactites, stalagmites, and underground rivers that make the Grotte de Tourtoirac a fascinating destination.
  • Château de Castelnaud: Overlooking the Dordogne River, the Château de Castelnaud is an impressive medieval fortress that now houses the Museum of Medieval Warfare. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, learn about medieval weaponry, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Grotte de Rouffignac: Located in Rouffignac-Saint-Cernin-de-Reilhac, this cave is home to an extensive collection of prehistoric cave paintings. Visitors can take a guided train ride through the caverns and observe the ancient artwork, including the famous depictions of mammoths, horses, and bison. 10. Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil: Known as the "Prehistoric Capital," Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil is a charming village nestled in the Vézère Valley. The town is home to several important archaeological sites and museums, including the National Prehistory Museum and the Font-de-Gaume Cave, offering visitors a deeper understanding of early human history. These tourist attractions near Le Bourg, Gabillou, provide a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and rich heritage of the region.

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