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Cathy Teston
hameau de la capitale le bars


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price from €300




Description for Gite

This above ground gite provides a safe environment for children with a ladder. It offers a shelter for two cars and boasts a spacious courtyard measuring 300 m2. The highlight of this property is the availability of a seasonal vegetable garden spanning across 1500m2. The house is known for its peaceful and tranquil atmosphere, offering an unrestricted view of the surrounding countryside. Located just 6km away from the city, it is also conveniently situated near a fishing and swimming lake, only 3km away. Additionally, the gite is in close proximity to PRAYER at 6km, MANOSQUE at 15km, and AIX at 50km. Whether you prefer the sea or the mountains, both are just an hour away from this delightful gite.


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extra bed
Notes: 8 people max


Swimming Pool


  • Lavender Fields of Valensole: Valensole is famous for its stunning lavender fields, which attract tourists from all over the world. The fields display a mesmerizing purple hue and offer a delightful fragrance. Visitors can stroll through the fields, take memorable photographs, and learn about the lavender industry.
  • Notre-Dame de l'Assomption Church: Located in the heart of Valensole, this beautiful church is a must-visit attraction. Built in the 16th century, it showcases remarkable Gothic architecture. The church's interior is adorned with intricate details, stained glass windows, and religious artifacts, providing a serene atmosphere for prayer and reflection.
  • Musée de Valensole: This museum offers a glimpse into the history, culture, and heritage of the Valensole region. Visitors can explore exhibits showcasing traditional crafts, agricultural practices, and local folklore. The museum also houses a collection of archaeological artifacts, providing insights into the area's ancient past.
  • Lac de Sainte-Croix: Just a short drive from Valensole, Lake Sainte-Croix is a popular tourist spot. This turquoise-colored lake offers breathtaking views and opportunities for various water activities. Visitors can go swimming, kayaking, or rent a pedal boat to explore the stunning surroundings. The lake is also a gateway to the famous Verdon Gorge, known for its impressive cliffs and hiking trails.
  • Moustiers-Sainte-Marie: Approximately 30 minutes away from Valensole, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie is a charming village nestled in the mountains. Known for its picturesque setting and pottery traditions, the village is a delight for history and nature enthusiasts. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, visit local pottery workshops, and enjoy panoramic views from the Chapel of Notre Dame de Beauvoir.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Located within the Verdon Natural Regional Park, the Verdon Gorge is a natural wonder and a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. With its deep turquoise river, towering cliffs, and hiking trails, it offers breathtaking scenery at every turn. Visitors can go hiking, rock climbing, or simply admire the stunning landscapes from various viewpoints.
  • Riez: Situated near Valensole, the town of Riez is known for its Roman ruins and historical significance. Visitors can explore the ancient Roman walls, admire the well-preserved columns of the Temple of Apollo, and visit the Archaeological Museum to learn more about the town's rich past. Riez also hosts a vibrant market where visitors can indulge in local produce and traditional specialties.
  • Plateau de Valensole: A vast plateau surrounding Valensole, it offers panoramic views of the countryside and is particularly famous for its lavender cultivation. Visitors can take scenic drives or hike through the plateau, enjoying the fragrant air and capturing stunning photographs of the lavender fields and rolling hills. These attractions near Hameau de la Capitale le Bars in Valensole, France, provide a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty and cultural heritage to outdoor adventures and historical exploration.

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