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Geneviève Sansas
3 Rue des Rosiers



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Price per night:

price from €50




Description for B&B:

Located on the upper floor, this room spans an area of 23 m2. Accessible through the former barn, you will be greeted by a cherub on the landing. Upon entering, you will find an alcove for organizing your belongings, while the bathroom is equipped with a shower, toilet, and sink. The room also offers WIFI access and a TV. The vintage 140cm bed is perfect for indulging in nostalgic dreams. Additionally, we provide two mountain bikes for guests to enjoy a leisurely ride or embark on a day hike from la maison dEmilia.


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Take exit 6 on Highway A68, labeled "Saint Sulpice - Lavaur".
Continue on the road towards "Saint Sulpice - Castres" and pass through Lavaur.
After traveling for approximately 15 km, you will reach Saint Paul Cap de Joux.
At the first intersection, make a left turn towards "Graulhet".
After about 100 m, you will cross a bridge and arrive at Damiatte.
Once in Damiatte, take the second street on the left, called "rue des rosiers".
You will find "La maison d'Emilia" on the left side of the street, in the middle.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 75




  • Château de Magrin: Located just 3.5 km away, the Château de Magrin is a stunning medieval castle nestled amidst picturesque vineyards. Visitors can explore the castle's rich history, admire its architecture, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Musée du Pays Rabastinois: Situated in Rabastens, approximately 16 km from Damiatte, this museum showcases the heritage and culture of the Rabastens region. It houses a diverse collection of archaeological artifacts, paintings, sculptures, and historical exhibits.
  • Jardins des Martels: About 17 km away in Giroussens, the Jardins des Martels is a remarkable garden spanning over 35 acres. This botanical haven features a wide array of plants, flowers, and trees, as well as charming water features and themed gardens, providing a tranquil and scenic experience.
  • Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile d'Albi: Located in Albi, around 29 km from Damiatte, the Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile is a UNESCO World Heritage site and an architectural masterpiece. It boasts a unique blend of Gothic and Renaissance styles, intricate frescoes, and stunning stained glass windows.
  • Musée Toulouse-Lautrec: Situated in Albi as well, the Musée Toulouse-Lautrec is dedicated to the works of the renowned French painter, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. The museum houses a vast collection of his paintings, drawings, and lithographs, providing insight into the artist's life and artistic development.
  • Le Sidobre: Located approximately 50 km away, Le Sidobre is a natural wonderland in the Tarn region. It is known for its impressive granite formations, including the famous "Peyro Clabado" balancing rock. Visitors can hike, picnic, and explore this unique geological site.
  • Canal du Midi: Stretching over 240 km, the Canal du Midi is a historic waterway located about 59 km from Damiatte. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely boat trip along the canal, admiring the picturesque landscapes, charming villages, and iconic canal locks.
  • Musée Goya: Situated in Castres, around 61 km away, the Musée Goya is dedicated to the Spanish painter Francisco Goya. The museum showcases a remarkable collection of Goya's works, as well as other significant artists of the 19th and 20th centuries. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the diverse beauty of the region surrounding Damiatte, France.