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Yvette Lambert
Lieu-dit Labade


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €78





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Appréciations pour Les Terrasses de Labade, Coubisou:

Review by: MMe ségolène devoluet, Juil 28 2015 12:12PM
l'acceuil est à la hauteur du panorama de cette étape : fantastique !
un havre de paix et de silence , on s'y ressource par sa beautée et la passion de ses propriétaires pour leur acceuil et leur convivialité. l'environnement se prete à toutes les découvertes , quand à la gastronomie .....délicieuse .
une adresse à retenir sans aucune hésitation
L'accueil et le cadre que nous désirions
Review by: Laurent, Juil 14 2015 7:18PM
Nous avons trouvé là un endroit particulièrement acceuillant, soigné, fleurit et verdoyant, très calme, avec une vue imprenable depuis les terrasses de la piscine.
Une bâtisse typique rénovée de belle manière pour un WE réussit. Merci à nos hôtes.
Un gîte particulèrement agréable et bien situé
Review by: Laurent, Juil 14 2015 1:59PM
L'accueil est à l'égal du lieu : excellent.
Une belle et grande bâtisse typique, rénovée, au milieu des fleurs et de la verdure; les terrasses autour de la piscine offrent, à perte de vue, une campagne vallonée. La suite parentale est particulièrement spacieuse. Les espaces de vie offrent une indépendance appréciable. Coubisou : c'est déjà une invitation à venir, si bien situé pour visiter la région.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 78 100 546 672 20
(3 pers.)
1 78 100 546 672 20
Apartment 1 78 100 546 672 20
Holiday Home 1 400 780


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Calmont d'Olt: Located in Espalion, approximately 30 minutes away from Lieu-dit Labade, the Château de Calmont d'Olt is a medieval castle perched on a hilltop overlooking the Lot River. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and provides insights into the region's history.
  • Conques Abbey: Situated in the village of Conques, around 40 minutes from Lieu-dit Labade, Conques Abbey is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its Romanesque architecture. The abbey houses the relics of Sainte Foy and features beautiful sculptures and stained glass windows.
  • Laguiole Village and Forge: About an hour's drive from Lieu-dit Labade, Laguiole is a charming village renowned for its traditional handmade knives. Visitors can explore the village, visit the knife-making workshops, and learn about the history and craftsmanship behind these iconic tools.
  • Estaing: Located approximately 45 minutes away, Estaing is a picturesque village known for its medieval architecture and its imposing château. The village is situated along the banks of the Lot River and offers a peaceful ambiance, perfect for a leisurely stroll.
  • Micropolis, City of Insects: Situated in Saint-Léons, around an hour from Lieu-dit Labade, Micropolis is a unique theme park dedicated to insects. Visitors can discover the fascinating world of these tiny creatures through interactive exhibits, live displays, and outdoor gardens.
  • Gorges du Tarn: About an hour and a half drive from Lieu-dit Labade, the Gorges du Tarn is a breathtaking natural attraction formed by the Tarn River carving its way through limestone cliffs. Visitors can enjoy activities such as hiking, canoeing, and taking scenic drives along the winding roads.
  • Millau Viaduct: Located near the town of Millau, approximately an hour and 15 minutes away, the Millau Viaduct is an architectural marvel and one of the tallest bridges in the world. The bridge spans across the Tarn Valley, offering stunning views and a unique experience for engineering enthusiasts.
  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon: Situated about an hour away from Lieu-dit Labade, Roquefort-sur-Soulzon is famous for its production of Roquefort cheese. Visitors can explore the caves where the cheese is aged, learn about the traditional methods of production, and sample this renowned French delicacy. These attractions offer a range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural wonders and unique culinary experiences, ensuring there is something for every visitor to enjoy near Lieu-dit Labade, Coubisou, France.