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Jean-Philippe Thomas


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Price per week:

price from €240




Description for B&B:

This chalet, open throughout the year, offers you an incredible view of the breathtaking Mourtis and Cagire mountains. Nestled on a mountainside, it is located several miles away from the closest village. Embrace the tranquility and breathe in the crisp, fresh air as you spend a truly nature-filled holiday in the Pyrenean region. Please note that access to the chalet is limited to a small road, which is not plowed during the winter months.

Description for Gite

This cottage offers a cozy ground floor with a charming fireplace in the small living room, a convenient kitchenette, and a bathroom. On the separate first floor, you will find two bedrooms with a comfortable double bed (1x140). The cottage is equipped with electric heating to ensure a pleasant stay. Outdoor furniture, a barbecue, a refrigerator/freezer, and a microwave are provided for your convenience. Pets are welcome to join you during your stay. Parking is available just a short walk away from the cottage, accessible via a well-maintained pathway. Enjoy the beautiful terrace and the slightly sloping terrain surrounding the cottage.


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After passing the exit of Aspet, proceed towards Sengouagnet. Once you are outside the village, take a left onto the D 618. As you approach the Oule bridge, stay on the left side and follow the sign that says "The Mourtis." Soon, you will need to leave the D618 on the left when you see the sign for Couret. Please note that the road ahead is very winding. As you drive through the village of Couret and continue through the forest, you will eventually be greeted with a magnificent view of the Mourtis and Cagire mountains. Keep an eye out for a sharp right turn that resembles a hairpin bend. Shortly after this turn, you will spot a path on the left indicated by a sign that says "The Couret - The Souleignan." Follow this path until you recognize the cottage on your right.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 240 420
