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Gg Kenjoyce
Centre Ville
St Denis


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price from €154



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  • Le Barachois: Located in the heart of St Denis, Le Barachois is a picturesque waterfront promenade known for its beautiful gardens, colonial houses, and stunning views of the Indian Ocean. It's a popular spot for locals and tourists to relax and enjoy the scenic surroundings.
  • Jardin de l'Etat: This historic botanical garden is a true oasis in the center of St Denis. Established in 1773, it features a wide variety of plant species, including exotic trees, flowers, and a large pond with water lilies. Visitors can also explore the Natural History Museum located within the garden.
  • Cathedrale de Saint-Denis: The Cathedrale de Saint-Denis is a magnificent Gothic-style cathedral that dates back to the 19th century. It is known for its impressive architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and a beautiful rose garden. The cathedral is a place of worship as well as a popular tourist attraction.
  • Le Grand Marché: Located in the heart of Centre Ville, Le Grand Marché is a vibrant open-air market where you can find a wide range of local products, including fresh fruits, vegetables, spices, handicrafts, and clothing. It's a great place to immerse yourself in the local culture and indulge in some shopping.
  • Musée Léon Dierx: This art museum houses an impressive collection of contemporary and modern art from renowned artists, both local and international. The museum showcases various art forms, including paintings, sculptures, and installations, providing visitors with an enriching cultural experience.
  • Le Petit Marché: A smaller but equally charming market, Le Petit Marché offers a more intimate shopping experience. Here, you can find local delicacies, traditional crafts, and souvenirs. It's a great place to try some authentic Creole cuisine and immerse yourself in the local flavors.
  • Jardin de La Villa Carrère: Tucked away from the bustling streets, this hidden gem is a peaceful garden with lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and a tranquil atmosphere. It's a perfect spot to relax, have a picnic, or simply take a leisurely stroll while enjoying the natural beauty surrounding you.
  • La Maison Carrère: This historical house is a testament to the colonial architecture of Reunion Island. It features a beautiful courtyard, colorful facades, and traditional Creole design elements. La Maison Carrère hosts various cultural events and exhibitions, providing visitors with a glimpse into the island's rich heritage.
  • Le Barachois Lighthouse: Situated at the entrance of Le Barachois, this lighthouse offers panoramic views of the coastline and the city. It's a popular spot for sunset watching and capturing stunning photographs. 10. Le Musée de la Vierge Noire: Located in the heart of St Denis, this museum is dedicated to the history and cultural significance of the Black Virgin. It exhibits a collection of religious artifacts, art pieces, and historical information, offering visitors a unique insight into the island's religious heritage.