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19 Rue d'Argentine


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price from €500





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Description for B&B:

- The property features a lovely terrace with a barbecue, perfect for enjoying shaded outdoor dining.
- It also offers the convenience of private parking and a secure gated courtyard.
- On the ground floor, there is a fully equipped kitchen and a comfortable living room.
- Upstairs, there are two bedrooms, each with a double bed (140), and a bathroom with a shower and a separate toilet.

Description for Gite

This charming gite offers a range of modern amenities to ensure a comfortable stay. Equipped with a dishwasher, refrigerator, small freezer, microwave, induction table, oven, toaster, kettle, raclette, and 2 TVs, you will have all the conveniences of home. Additionally, a washing machine is provided for your laundry needs. Enjoy outdoor cooking with the included barbecue.


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To get to your destination, take the A 41 highway towards Aix Les Bains/Annecy. Take exit 13 for Aix Les Bains South. At the roundabout, take the third exit towards Mery. At the next roundabout, take the third exit again. When you reach the STOP sign, turn left and continue straight towards the mountain. At the top, turn right towards Chambery. Take the first left and enter the village. Once you arrive, make an immediate right turn followed by a left turn.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 280 390 500 700


Animals Allowed


  • Lake Annecy: Located just 15 kilometers from Mery, Lake Annecy is known for its crystal clear turquoise waters and stunning mountain backdrop. It offers opportunities for swimming, boating, and relaxing on its picturesque beaches.
  • Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard: Situated about 10 kilometers from Mery, this medieval castle overlooks Lake Annecy and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area. It boasts a rich history and is open for guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its impressive architecture and learn about its legends.
  • Gorges du Fier: Located around 30 kilometers from Mery, Gorges du Fier is a natural wonder characterized by a narrow gorge carved by the Fier River. Visitors can walk through the gorge on a suspended footbridge, admiring the dramatic rock formations and the power of the rushing water below.
  • Les Jardins Secrets: Situated approximately 35 kilometers from Mery, Les Jardins Secrets is a unique and enchanting garden. It features creatively designed landscapes, hidden walkways, beautiful flowers, and artistic sculptures, providing a peaceful and whimsical atmosphere for visitors to explore.
  • Château d'Annecy: Found about 15 kilometers from Mery, Château d'Annecy is a well-preserved castle that has been transformed into a museum. It houses various exhibitions showcasing the history and culture of the region, including medieval art, local crafts, and archaeological artifacts.
  • Palais de l'Isle: Located in Annecy, approximately 15 kilometers from Mery, Palais de l'Isle is a unique triangular-shaped building situated on a small island in the Thiou River. It once served as a prison and is now a popular tourist attraction, offering visitors the chance to learn about its fascinating history and architecture.
  • Semnoz: Situated around 25 kilometers from Mery, Semnoz is a mountain offering breathtaking panoramic views of Lake Annecy and the surrounding region. It is a popular destination for outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and paragliding, as well as a great spot for picnics and enjoying nature.
  • Basilique de la Visitation: Located in Annecy, approximately 15 kilometers from Mery, the Basilique de la Visitation is a beautiful church dedicated to Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Jane de Chantal. It showcases stunning architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and peaceful gardens, making it a peaceful place for contemplation. These attractions near 19 Rue d'Argentine, Mery, France, offer a mix of natural beauty, historical landmarks, and cultural experiences, providing visitors with a variety of options to explore and enjoy.

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