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Marie Durand
15 Rue Saint Paul


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Price per week:

price from €250






Description for Gite

This cottage is generously sized and exquisitely furnished, perfect for accommodating up to 8 guests. It features two spacious bedrooms, two modern bathrooms, three toilets, a comfortable lounge, a fully equipped kitchen, a convenient laundry room, a beautiful covered terrace, a tranquil garden with a playground and relaxation area, as well as private parking. Additionally, there is a small farm located on the premises. To enhance your stay, the cottage also offers a luxurious spa with a Jacuzzi and a billiard table for your entertainment.


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Take the Boulay exit on the A4 motorway.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(3 pers.)
2 250 350
Holiday Home 1 250 370


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Metz Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Metz, the Metz Cathedral is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. It features intricate stained glass windows and is known for its towering spires. Visitors can explore the interior and admire the impressive organ.
  • Centre Pompidou-Metz: This modern art museum is an extension of the famous Centre Pompidou in Paris. It hosts rotating exhibitions showcasing contemporary and modern art. The building itself is an architectural marvel with its unique design.
  • Place d'Armes: Situated in Metz, Place d'Armes is a lively square surrounded by beautiful buildings and cafes. It is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike to relax and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere. The square often hosts events and markets.
  • Parc de la Seille: A picturesque park located in Metz, Parc de la Seille offers a peaceful escape from the city. It features landscaped gardens, walking paths, and a river. The park is perfect for picnics, leisurely strolls, or simply enjoying nature.
  • Schengen European Museum: Located in Schengen, Luxembourg, this museum is dedicated to the history and significance of the Schengen Agreement, which established the European Union's passport-free travel area. Visitors can learn about the agreement's impact on European integration and enjoy interactive exhibits.
  • Château de Malbrouck: Situated in Manderen, France, Château de Malbrouck is a well-preserved medieval fortress. This imposing castle offers guided tours that take visitors through its various rooms, including the grand hall, the chapel, and the towers. The castle also hosts cultural events and exhibitions.
  • Walygator Parc: An amusement park located in Maizières-lès-Metz, Walygator Parc is a popular destination for families and thrill-seekers. It features a variety of rides, including roller coasters, water slides, and entertainment shows. The park also has picnic areas and restaurants.
  • Fort de Guentrange: Situated in Thionville, France, Fort de Guentrange is a historic military fortress. Visitors can explore the underground tunnels, artillery casemates, and barracks to learn about the fort's role in various conflicts. The site offers panoramic views of the surrounding area.
  • Dinovotion: Located in Freistroff, Dinovotion is a dinosaur-themed park that offers a unique experience for both kids and adults. It features life-size animatronic dinosaurs, interactive exhibits, and fossil displays. Visitors can also participate in educational workshops and fossil digging. 10. Amnéville Zoo: Situated in Amnéville, France, this zoo is home to a wide range of animal species. Visitors can observe lions, elephants, giraffes, and many other animals in spacious enclosures. The zoo also offers various educational programs and shows. Please note that the distances and travel times between these attractions and the given address may vary, so it is advisable to check for accurate directions before planning your visit.