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Jean de Margerie
Saint Jean de Maruéjols


1 reviews

Price per week:

price from €360




Description for Gite

This gite offers two charming stone vaulted rooms, including a cozy living room with a kitchen and a comfortable bedroom with a bathroom and separate toilet. It features a double bed and two convertible single beds, making it ideal for small families or groups. Additionally, baby bedding is available for those traveling with infants. The gite is equipped with modern amenities such as a washer dryer, and linens and towels are provided for convenience. Outside, there is a lovely terrace with a barbecue and furniture, perfect for enjoying outdoor meals or relaxation amidst the garden. Parking is also available. This gite is classified with 3 ears by Gîtes de France, ensuring a high standard of quality and comfort.


Appréciations pour Jean et Michèle de Margerie, Saint Jean de Maruéjols:

très beau gîte,excellent accueil
Review by: POIGNANT G., Fev 18 2015 5:20PM
Bien placé, ce gîte a été aménagé avec respect de l'ancien dans une dépendance du domaine. Il est d'une agréable fraicheur l'été. Son jardin et sa terrasse son vraiment agréables.Sa position géographique permet de profiter des baignades et du canoë dans la Cèze et des visites de sites touristiques (Barjac, Lussan, Orgnac...).

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To get to Mas de Jandon from Ales, follow the route: Ales - Saint Jean de Maruéjols - Mas de Jandon. From there, continue on to Mije Montelimar. Next, head towards Barjac, and then return to Mas de Jandon. From Mas de Jandon, proceed to Mije Aubenas and then back to Barjac. Finally, return to Mas de Jandon via Mije.



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extra bed
Holiday Home 4 360 410




  • Pont du Gard: Located approximately 20 kilometers away from Mije, Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge that spans over the Gardon River. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Uzès: Situated about 25 kilometers from Mije, Uzès is a charming medieval town known for its well-preserved architecture and historical sites. Explore the Uzès Cathedral, Place aux Herbes, and the Duchy of Uzès, which is one of the oldest noble families in France.
  • Nîmes: Located around 40 kilometers from Mije, Nîmes is a vibrant city famous for its well-preserved Roman monuments. Visit the iconic Roman amphitheater, Maison Carrée, and the beautiful Jardins de la Fontaine. The city also offers a lively atmosphere with its cafes, restaurants, and shopping streets.
  • Aven d'Orgnac: Situated approximately 60 kilometers away from Mije, Aven d'Orgnac is a magnificent limestone cave. Explore the stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations while learning about the geological history of the area. The cave also offers guided tours and an underground river.
  • Arles: Located about 70 kilometers from Mije, Arles is a city renowned for its rich Roman heritage and its association with Vincent van Gogh. Explore the well-preserved Roman Theater, the Ancient Theater, and the Van Gogh Foundation. Don't miss the opportunity to stroll through the charming streets lined with colorful houses.
  • Camargue Natural Regional Park: Situated approximately 75 kilometers away from Mije, the Camargue Natural Regional Park is a unique wetland area renowned for its diverse wildlife, including flamingos, wild horses, and black bulls. Explore the marshes, salt pans, and picturesque villages while enjoying the beautiful landscapes.
  • Avignon: Located around 80 kilometers from Mije, Avignon is a historic city famous for its Papal Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visit the well-preserved medieval ramparts, explore the cobbled streets, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the Place de l'Horloge. The city is also known for its annual theater festival.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Situated approximately 85 kilometers away from Mije, Les Baux-de-Provence is a picturesque village perched on a rocky outcrop. Explore the ruins of the medieval castle, visit the Carrières de Lumières for an immersive art experience, and enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. These attractions offer a variety of historical, cultural, and natural experiences near Mije, allowing visitors to explore the diverse beauty of the region.

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