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Prix par nuit:

à partir de €55


Descriptif Chambres D'Hotes:

The town of Die, located in the Regional Park of Vercors, offers all the services one can expect from a sub-prefecture while remaining small in size and close to nature. There are numerous shops and a vibrant cultural life with significant events.

Its Provençal character, with its intertwined narrow streets, combines with a rich archaeological and religious heritage. The surrounding landscape is pre-alpine, opening up to the plain of Drôme, with the river bordering the town to the south. The water is clean and the banks are wild: swimming, kayaking, napping, and picnicking are all on offer. To the north, the magnificent cliffs of Glandasse, rising up to 2000 meters in altitude, offer a glimpse of the high plateaus of Vercors. Numerous hikes depart from the Tourist Office. Professionals offer all mountain-related activities: climbing, via ferrata, canyoning, vulture watching, flora discovery, etc.

Another charm of the town is its market, held twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Excellent local products sold by small producers, often organic, can be found there: fruits and vegetables, trout, turkeys, lambs from Diois, caillettes and Carré de Pic ham, cheeses, honey, and jams, not to mention artisanal ravioles.

During the second half of June, transhumant shepherds and their herds pass through the town, going through the market before reaching the pastures of the plateaus.


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Tarifs en €
Tarif Jour Tarif Semaine
min. max. min. max.
lit suppl.
p'tit déj
(2 pers.)
2 55 55 350 350 15 oui


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